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Battle Ground Academy is the No. 1 Private K-12 School in Williamson County

Known for creating an elevated educational experience, we believe in the enormous potential within every child, and to that end, BGA will open the doors of its Early Learning Center for pre-K4 and pre-K5 students in Fall 2024. Our youngest students will actively participate in their learning; create meaningful connections between their school and their world; and find joy as they grow, play, and create in our language-rich learning community. Students will have daily opportunities to grow in math, literacy skills, phonemic awareness, and character development.


Whether engaged in inquiry-based learning through a pre-K creative center or our challenging college preparatory K-12 curriculum, our students’ needs are recognized, supported, and encouraged by a caring faculty committed to igniting and nurturing student curiosity, intellect, and character.


Admissions Process:

Families are invited to inquire at Applications will open in August, and those interested in first-round admission consideration must apply by December 15 (pre-k and kindergarten) and January 5 (first grade and up).



This fall, BGA will expand its Upper School academic program to include a concentration in Global Studies. The Academy’s innovative Entrepreneurial Leadership, STEM, and Global Studies concentrations provide students the opportunity to meaningfully explore and dive deeper into an area of academic interest through specialized curricula, enhanced learning opportunities, and intentional experiences.


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