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Terms of Use

The  Jewish  Observer  welcomes  the  sub-mission  of  information,  news  items,  feature   stories   and   photos   about   events  relevant  to  the  Jewish  community  of Greater  Nashville.  We  prefer  e-mailed submissions, sent  as Word  documents to Editor Barbara  Dab Photos must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi) and should be attached as jpegs to the e-mail.  For  material  that  cannot  be e-mailed,  submissions  should  be  sent  to Barbara  Dab,  The Jewish  Observer,  801 Percy Warner Blvd., Suite 102, Nashville TN  37205.  Photos  & copy  sent  by regular  mail  will  not  be  returned  unless prior arrangement is made. Publication is at the discretion of The Observer, which reserves the right to edit submissions. To ensure publication, submissions must arrive by the 15th of the month prior to the intended month of publication.