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Chabad to Host Family Cliff Notes Passover Seder and a Kabalistic Seder

Chabad of Nashville invites the Nashville Jewish community to its 25th annual Community Passover Seders, which will take place in the magnificent ballroom of the Genesis Campus for Jewish Life

Participants will experience the freedom of Passover the way our ancestors did when they left Egypt 3,335 years ago. Chabad will host two different types of Seders on the first two nights of Passover.

On Wednesday, April 5, at 7:00 PM, Chabad will host a Cliff Notes Family Friendly Seder. It will be an interactive family Seder, a warm, fun, and thought-provoking event, which includes a Passover experience in a royal setting, handmade Shmurah Matzah for each Seder participant, an abundance of exquisite wines for every palate, an elegant royal dinner, which will include authentic gefilte fish, Bubby’s Passover brisket, and array of salad and side dishes, catered by one of Nashville’s premiere chefs.

On Thursday, April 6, at 8:00 PM, Chabad will host “A Chasidic Seder for the Inquisitive Mind." This will be a full Chasidic Seder with many insights to the Haggadah and various Chassidic tales and melodies, and an exquisite Seder feast. This Seder will delve into the deeper meaning and dimensions to the Passover Exodus

Both seders will take place in the Bernard Ballroom at the Genesis Campus for Jewish Life, 95 Bellevue Road, and will be catered by one of Nashville’s premiere chefs

Reservation for each seder can be made at

Chabad will also be offering gift boxes of shmurah matzah, the traditional hand-made round matzah for all who would like to celebrate Passover with the ancient biblical Matzah, by calling Chabad at (615) 646-5750.


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