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Congregation Micah Offers Comprehensive Religious School Programming

Congregation Micah’s Religious School is the home and heart of joyous and progressive Jewish education, bringing the best of formal and informal study to our families.  Our weekly family service fills our sanctuary with music, prayer and playful participation in the ever-present and unfolding Jewish story. 


We are a diverse community that celebrates our common bonds of Jewish identity - intellectually, spiritually, and culturally. We explore the dynamic disciplines of Jewish tradition -  Hebrew, History, Ethics, Social Justice, Israel, Mitzvot, Mussar, Tzedakah and more - with Torah as our touchstone.  


In addition to weekly worship and study, students meet Jewish authors, artists, musicians, chefs and social justice leaders.  Our parents remain students, as well, with regular opportunities to study and socialize with each other.   


Throughout and beyond our b’nai mitzvah program, our dedicated inclusion specialist works with our faculty and families to ensure that all students are honored and able to access the full richness of Jewish tradition.  


Micah’s expansive campus includes a natural playscape, kibbutz-style demonstration gardens, a labyrinth, and a gaga pit.  This beautiful setting invites students to discover the wonders of creation in scenic, meditative, and active ways. 


Our middle and high school youth groups extend Jewish life through group travel to New York, Washington D.C., Montgomery, and Israel, as well as through local retreatsperformances, sporting events, and social action projects.  CHAI Society, our flagship high school program, empowers our oldest students to become confident and creative leaders who enter the larger world doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with their God.  


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