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Hanukkah is coming to the J!

If you can believe it, Hanukkah is right around the corner and the Gordon JCC is excited to announce that our Hanukkah Store is officially open, and that Hanukkah Fest will be on December 11!

The Hanukkah Store is filled with candles, gelt, gifts, and more! Stop by the lobby and stock up on all the things you need to celebrate the Festival of Lights. Payments for Hanukkah Store items can be made at the JCC Front Desk.

Hanukkah Fest will take place on December 11 from 3-6pm at the J. Come join the fun for kids’ games, crafts, entertainment, and of course, food! No Hanukkah Fest would be complete without Bernie’s Famous Latkes, and a full meal will be served as well. Hanukkah Fest at the Gordon JCC is a tradition filled with joy, excitement, and fun, and we hope to see you there!

If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Andrew Fishman or


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