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JCRC’s November Events and Programs

JCRC November programming will address Israel, antisemitism, and the Tennessee state abortion ban. The third in the Abortion and Jewish Law session will be November 14 and will focus on some of the legal implications of new law. The panel will include professionals and experts dealing with the real-life consequences of the “Human Protection Act” that went into effect in August. In addition to the danger this law presents to the health and well being of women and girls, it seeks to criminalize healthcare by prosecuting doctors, and results in more questions than answers regarding treatment for infertility, and in-vitro fertilization procedures. Our panelists will address these concerns and provide specific information and guidance on the complications and obstacles to healthcare access because of this law, one of the two most restrictive laws in the county. Recordings of the first two sessions are available on the JFEDofNashville You Tube channel.

On November 6, we are partnering with our congregational education directors to present a virtual program for parents and interested community members with author, Abi Dauber Sterne on her book with Robbie Gringras, For the Sake of Argument. This interactive learning session is designed to help parents gain tools and techniques to talk to their children about Israel. It will also provide guidance and recommendations on how to handle general conversations about Israel with understanding while avoiding contentious and unproductive arguments.

We have begun recruitment for the Get Connected trip to Israel for summer 2023, after an unfortunate but necessary break due to COVID-19. Current 10th and 11th grade students are eligible for this highly subsidized trip to Israel which will take place in June 2023. We have two zoom information sessions to learn more about the trip before registering. Early bird discounted pricing will be available until December 31, 2022. Zoom sessions will be at 7pm November 13 and November 30.

In addition to these specific programs, we continue to do ongoing outreach, engagement, and education with a variety of community partners to respond to incidents of antisemitism in our community, and to provide training and resources to community groups to address and hopefully prevent and dismantle antisemitic incidents.

REMINDER: Early voting ends November 3. Election day is November 8. In addition to candidate decisions, there are four proposed constitutional amendments including one to permanently ban slavery. You must vote in the Governor race for amendment votes to be counted:


Sunday, January 8: Community Israel Education and Experience Day with IsraelLINK

Thursday, March 30: JCRC Social Justice Seder with special guest, Michael Twitty, author of the books, “Koshersoul” and “The Cooking Gene”


For additional details or to register for our programs:


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