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Akiva School celebrated its 2023 Graduation Ceremony on May 24th, honoring eight graduates and their families. As they prepared to leave Akiva, the graduating class could not help but feel a bittersweet sense of farewell as they stood ready to embark on the next phase of their educational journey. Looking back on their time at Akiva, graduate Lyla Banish reflected that, “One of the best things about being at Akiva is how I’ve made awesome friendships with my classmates, teachers, and even students from other grades. At Akiva, it’s really like everyone is part of a big family, your grade or age doesn’t matter.” Her fellow graduates unanimously share this sentiment, adding that “we will miss the strong friends we have made here, but know those friendships will continue to grow and be strong.”


The Graduating Class of 2023 is leaving Akiva with a strong foundation, grateful hearts, and ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that await them. We wish them only the best for their future!


Mazal Tov to Lyla Banish (Jewish Middle School), Eli Cheng (Jewish Middle School), Yael Cohen (Harding Academy), Hirsch Coleman (Jewish Middle School), Zevi Ebin (Jewish Middle School)), Camden Greenspan (Woodland Middle), Sylvia Mackler (University School of Nashville), River Rijke-Epstein (Jewish Middle School).

1. Lyla Banish

2. Eli Cheng

3. Yael Cohen

4. Hirsch Coleman

5. Zevi Ebin

6. Camden Greenspan

7. Sylvia Mackler

8. River Rijke-Epstein


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