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Welcome to The Jewish Observer News page. Here is where you will find news and information from Middle Tennessee’s Jewish community, Israel and the world.

Domestic and Local Antisemitism Leads to Creation of New Task Force

The recent crisis in Israel, combined with the spike in domestic antisemitic activity, sparked concerns among local clergy and lay leaders who are urging Nashville’s organized Jewish community to create both a centralized process for reporting incidents and a unified response to address t…

Jewish Federation Announces 2021/22 Grants

The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee is distributing about $2 million to organizations, congregations and agencies throughout the local Jewish community here in Nashville and Middle Tennessee, regionally, nationally, and internationally. The grants…

Pew Study Finds US Jewry is Shifting Profoundly and Chabad is on Rise 

The recent Pew Jewish Population Study finds Chabad involvement is growing. Some 40% of American Jews have some involvement with Chabad, and the younger the demographic, the higher the number. Previously, the study organizers did not look at Chabad as a demographic, but this year it fig…

Jewish Federation Elects Andrew May New President at 2021 Annual Meeting

Andrew May elected President of The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee

Support for Nashville’s Jewish community, commitment to Israel and outreach to an increasingly younger demographic are top priorities for The Jewish Federation and Jewish Found…

Kvetch in the City July 2021

I would be remiss to even think of writing this month’s reflections, I mean kvetches, without first sending a loving virtual hug to Dear Esther for so generously dedicating her valuable Observer realty to indulge my musings last month. I so appreciate her insight, clarity, knowing she has …

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